Cummins Classic Overhaul Kit for ISX15 and QSX15L Engines

Cummins Classic Overhaul kit for ISX15L and QSX15L Engines ñ 5693833

This kit can be used in EPA 2010 ISX15/QSX15 engines featuring CM2250 control modules.†

This kit is for engines with Critical Parts List (CPL) numbers: 3348, 3376, 3490, 3491, 3688

Overhaul Kit Contents Include:

Qty of 6 Cylinder Liner Kit (150mm liners) 5472970

Qty of 6 Piston Kit 2881758

Qty of 1 Main Bearing Set 5406110

Qty of 1 Upper Engine Gasket Kit 4376104

Qty of 1 Oil Pan Gasket 4026684

Qty of 1 O Ring Seal 3678756

Qty of 1 Pressure Relief Valve 4357177

Qty of 1 Fuel Filter

Qty of 1 Lubricating Oil Filter 4367100

Qty of 1 Thermostat 4318947

Qty of 1 Thermostat Housing Gasket 3684336

Qty of 6 Conn Rod Bearing Set 2882087

Qty of 6 Rod Bearing (Std) Set 4089405

Qty of 6 Piston Cooling Nozzles 3687058

Qty of 6 Banjo Connector Screw 3679037

Qty of 4 Lock Nut 4298975

Qty of 4 Stud 3689587

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